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Humans Without Borders

Our volunteers drive families to and from hospitals, providing secure and timely assistance to Palestinian families in dire need, and furnish diverse assistance to these families when their children are hospitalized.

The volunteers of Humans without Borders make about 6,000 unique trips each year between the checkpoints and the hospitals in Jerusalem and the greater Tel Aviv area.

We organize fun days at the seashore and in local Palestinian resorts, giving the sick children and their extended families a day of relaxation and a break from their difficult daily routines.

Humans without Borders also funds medical supplies that the Palestinian Authority no longer agrees to provide − purchasing medicines and medical equipment and paying directly to hospitals to cover the cost of medical procedures.

We assist more than 100 families every year, sometimes driving them 5 days a week and sometimes taking a child for an occasional post-operative checkup.

Each trip is a blessing to that family and a singular experience for the volunteer, creating and maintaining personal bonds among the Israeli volunteers and the Palestinian families. Such special relationships generate good will and help in promoting mutual understanding and warm friendships in a desperately troubled area.



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